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Once this rough model has been approved by the Lladró family, the sculptor re-models it in greater detail, calculating the final size after allowing for natural shrinkage during firing in the kiln. Following this, the prototype goes to the Technical Department. Here, specialists carefully examine the figure and painstakingly slice it into segments. These separate pieces are then molded in alabaster.
The pieces are later reassembled to form an exact reproduction, which is sent back to the sculptor so that he can re-work the piece and fill in all the finer details. This results in the final model, which now continues its journey to the Ornamentation Department, where artists decorate it with the effects prescribed by the sculptor. Delicate details are engraved on the piece to give it the required appearance.
Sculptors and artists are linked by mutual understanding and an intuitive grasp of their job. Everything depends on this vital form of artistic communication, because figurine decorators have the difficult task of completing a job initiated by others.
Men and women working in this department come from the Faculty of Fine Arts, or have attended the San Carlos School of Arts and Crafts in Valencia - the same institution where the Lladró brothers themselves were trained half a century ago. Some of the artists have classical training, some are self-taught, but all are excellent draftsmen or draftswomen. Their task is painstaking and complicated. They have to get the feel of each creation. They must find that delicate kind of harmony which exists between the individual parts and the complete creation, between the ornamental and the expressive. They have to achieve a balanced result.
The decision concerning which motifs go on each piece is part of the sculptor's job, but the factors influencing the final result include shared ideas, documentation on the theme in question, and creative imagination. Once these tasks have been concluded, the alabaster piece is used to make molds with which to reproduce the figurine in raw porcelain paste.
The molds will only be used for a fixed number of occasions, and will be destroyed at the least sign of wear. The fragments made from these molds are then reassembled piece by piece, following the original model, being pasted together using liquid porcelain. Painters will later decorate the piece, patiently applying colors using techniques learned only after years of painstaking apprenticeship.
 Lladro Comercial, S.A.
Request information about our product from sales@montinas.com.
Please Remember, that the items exhibited in this website are only a representation of our stock of Lladro figurines. We can get you any Lladro figurine from the current Lladro catalogue, and have more than 1500 retired pieces in our inventory. If we do not have your figurine in stock, we will order it from the Lladro main factory in Valencia, Spain. If it is retired and not in our stock we will try and obtain it for you. Hence please feel free to email us with your inquiries at any time. We will promptly get back to you.
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